What’s this file?

Description of files/directories in templates.

.vscode directory

This directory contains configuration specific to VS Code.


Each template contains a LICENSE file, and its content is Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal (CC0-1.0 in short). This means that you can copy and use the template without any restrictions.

Other related files:

If you create a sketch using one of these templates and want to publish it including the code:


This file is for specifying which files are to be ignored by Git.

In case you don’t use Git, you won’t need that file as well.


This file is necessary for using npm or other package managers. It contains several metadata including package dependencies.

It may also contain some user-defined scripts (called “npm scripts”), which are defined in the scripts field and can be run with command-line npm run (command name).

Some templates use TypeScript and/or Rollup for building a JavaScript file to be run on browsers, and this process is programmed with npm scripts.


This file is generated by pnpm (see also the Tips).

If you don’t use pnpm, you can remove that file. When installing dependencies, the default npm will generate package-lock.json instead.

These lock files may not be important for you but google around it if you’re curious.


This CSS file determines the visual appearance of index.html.

In each template, style.css removes margin/padding and sets display: block for the canvas. This is useful if you create sketches that fit to the entire window.


Configuration for ESLint.

ESLint is highly configurable; here you can see a long list of rules.

Each template is designed to use Prettier for formatting code and do not enable ESLint rules that only affect the appearance of the code.
However, the lines-around-comment rule is enabled, because the behavior of this rule is not covered by Prettier. Unfortunately a TypeScript version of this rule does not exist at the time writing this.


Configuration for TypeScript.

This file will automatically referred by TypeScript compiler.


Configuration for Rollup.

If you run the rollup command with --config option and do not provide any path, Rollup will refer to rollup.config.js.