Use TypeScript features in JavaScript code

VS Code itself has strong support for TypeScript by default.
And your JavaScript code can also benefit from it even if you don’t use TypeScript.

Use type declaration

@types/p5 a type declaration for p5.js. This is something you’ll need if you create p5.js sketches with TypeScript.

However, this type declaration is useful for your JavaScript code as well. Because the reference information of p5.js (i.e. description of each function) is embedded in this and you can use it.


If package.json does not exist (this is the case for Template P), first do the below:

How to use

First, install @types/p5.
Either npm install -D @types/p5 or pnpm add -D @types/p5.

Then create a new tsconfig.json file in your sketch folder.
The content should be something like this:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "allowJs": true,
    "target": "ES2015",
    "types": ["p5/global"],
    "noEmit": true

Now you can use hover information and code completion for p5.js functions.

Use type declaration in JS files

Check types

After you create a tsconfig.json file as shown above, you’ll also be able to do type checking for your JavaScript code.

Try adding checkJs option in your tsconfig.json:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "allowJs": true,
    "checkJs": true,
    "target": "ES2015",
    "types": ["p5/global"],
    "noEmit": true

Now the following code will raise a type error and it will be displayed in the editor.

let someNumber = 42; // initialize with a number
someNumber = "1984"; // then assign a string (which fails)

This is quite useful for preventing bugs.

And of course it’s not the only case; for example you’ll also have less trouble with errors such as Cannot read property ‘...’ of undefined. It’s important to note that many errors can be found immediately after writing the code, without having to run the program.

More complex types

Sometimes you might need some more complex types, e.g. if you want to do something like the code above intentionally. There are some workarounds for that:

  1. Declare variables without initialization.

     let someNumberlike;
     someNumberlike = 42;
     someNumberlike = "1984";

    Here someNumberlike is recognized as type any. This accepts all kinds of values (which is not ideal; you can’t prevent assigning values of other types such as objects or functions even if you don’t want them).

  2. Write JSDoc comments.

      * @type {(number|boolean)}
     let someNumberlike = 42;
     someNumberlike = "1984";

    Maybe doing this is better. In JSDoc you can specify types of values, and VS Code understands that.

By the way you can write it more simply in TypeScript:

let someNumberlike: number | string = 42; // declare to accept both number and string
someNumberlike = "1984";

If you’re interested, I’d recommend to try writing TypeScript code as well.